Yesterday I completed my lab exam and I passed! I was so happy that I passed the first time because I really did not want to have to worry about studying and preparing for it again if I was not successful the first time. Now that my lab exam is out of the way it has really allowed me to get into my studying for my anatomy exam that is on Saturday... Which at this point I am feeling overwhelmed with because there is so much material. Which I feel like I will never get through... But I just keep looking at the calendar and thinking to myself only nine more days. Only nine more days and I am done first semester!!! Not only do I get to go home for Christmas to my family and friends but I am one step closer to being the nurse I have always dreamed of becoming. So, for now I am going to grin and bear studying and get through it because to me it is worth it, if it allows me to become a nurse!:)